
Our 15 year anniversary teamwear is ready for purchase.
The Borah Teamwear store is now open until February 23rd.
Enter your email address at checkout as a Coupon Code
Follow this link to place your order CSO 2025 Borah Teamwear

We are the Chesapeake Spokes Club—a group of cyclists dedicated to the joys of riding the roads and woodlands of Harford County, Maryland and surrounding areas.  We are passionate about safety, about bicycling education for both ourselves and the greater community, but most of all, about the spirit of camaraderie that we’ve built within our organization since 2010.

We hope you enjoy your visit!  If you are interested in joining us on our many group rides, check out our Calendar, and perhaps become a member of this wonderful club yourself!

About Us

In 2009, a women’s specific cycling club known as Chesapeake Spokes Women was started by Missie and Carl Wakefield. The core values of the club were to encourage both beginning women cyclists and more experience riders to network. Within the first year, male riders began to show up due to the camaraderie and social aspect of the club. It was pretty much easy to see that the club’s values, social aspect and support network was well received in the cycling community. In 2010, we re-organized as Chesapeake Spokes and quickly grew to over 100 cyclists. During our first year, we supported the Greg Krause Helmet Fund, Bike to Work Day, Youth Rides and bike rodeos, etc. It was a busy first year and we are now expanding our rides to include both faster and longer rides.

All levels of types of riders are welcome to join our club. You will find a friendly atmosphere and fellow cyclists that are willing to lend a hand when needed. Fast, slow, long, short, early, late, hot or cold, you can find a ride to fit your style!


Organized rides begin in April and continue through October.

Ride Categories

CAT A Advanced 17+ MPH
CAT B Intermediate 14-16 MPH
CAT C Moderate 12-14 MPH
CAT D Easy 10-12 MPH

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Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors